Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cockroach in the house!

Ohhh I forgot I didn't post about this.  I was on webcam with Eliza the other morning and then out of the corner of my eye I see a black blog scurry across the floor from the garage door to underneath the banister by the stairs!

I snapped my head to see what it was and I knew right away even before I saw it that it was a cockroach!  Gaaaah.  I hate when the big ones get in the house.  I turned the webcam around so Eliza could see the action.

The cockroach was quickly making its way up the wall along the posters that we taped up.  I quickly ran down into the garage and had liza keep an eye on the intruder so that I didn't lose it (only thing worse than a cockroach in the house is having one in the house and losing sight of it).

Luckily it hadn't moved too far and it was within reach of my flip flop which was held tightly in my hand.

Now I'm usually pretty sensitive towards life, even bugs, but for cockroaches in the house I make an exception.  I steadied my arm, got close and WHAM!  smacked it against the stairwell.

It's pretty gross when you kill a cockroach.  There's this weird goo everywhere and it was on the wall and on the bottom of my flip flop.  The goo smells weird too so you don't really want to get close to it if you don't have to.

The cockroach was now dead on the ground.  Eliza was half laughing half grossing out and I took grimace over for a picture for scale.

So there was my excitement for the morning!

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