Saturday, November 13, 2010

Business as per better-than usual

It's been a week since my last post. Not much "fun travel" stuff to report but some really great business stuff!

First off Bruce, our artist for our two Android phone games finished the art for them last Thursday. It looks great and I've spent the last 2 days sitting at the computer all day integrating it into the code. I'm pretty much done and I'm really happy with the results. We hope to get them on the Android market place before I leave for Vietnam at the end of the month. 

Aside from the Android stuff we met with a very powerful potential business partner who has agreed to help us out with our new e-tailing venture.  We showed him our concepts and tech demo a few days ago and we got the impression he was impressed.  He even brought some of his designers into the room to check out our work.  He gave Johan and I some advice and we are excited to work with him.  This project is full steam ahead and more details once things become further ironed out.

There is also TEDx conference coming to Taipei and Johan and I are helping organize.  Should be fun! The conference is in December the day before I fly home.  We love TED so helping out and being part of the TED community is really special for us.

Lastly, wedding planning is coming along nicely. Eliza, her family, and my parents are getting so much done! We've picked a date, and we're making great progress on the venue, food, guest list, invitations, and more.  Wow wedding planning involves a lot of stuff!

Ok that's it for now!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tinker Memorial Day

I've been hard at work lately, but I wanted to make a post because it's Tinker Memorial Day.  Exactly 1 year ago my little sister Tinker passed away, and today we celebrate all that is Tinker!  She was an amazing little friend and sister and my whole childhood, youthhood, and the start of my adult hood we spent hanging out.  I miss her daily but every time I use my computer I get to see her picture on my desktop and it always brightens my day.  I could easily post tons of pictures on here but I'll just give you a sample and you can see the rest in my Picasa.

Ali, Niki, and I went to the temple today co-incidentally to do some "bye bye" ceremonies (they didn't know it was Tinker Memorial Day, but I like to think it wasn't a coincidence).  It was a very nice and peaceful time where I had the opportunity for silence and reflection and to say some prayers for my loved ones and to ask for blessings.

The temple we went to had 5 praying "stations" where you pray, put an incense stick into an urn, and then move on to the next "station".  Each station I dedicated to someone different: Tinker, Eliza's mom, my parents, Eliza and I's relationship, my career.

After the prayer stations we went to a tower with an area for burning paper inside.  We tossed paper money in that is sent to our ancestors and to buddha.

When we left the temple there was a super cute little white doggie running around the parking lot and I took it as a definite sign that Tinker was there with us.

In dedication of her I have uploaded our slideshow that we created last year at her funeral.  I'd like to give myself and my parents access to these photos from anywhere at anytime :)

We love you Tink!