Today was probably the opposite of the previous day. I went almost nowhere. I stayed in the house for the remainder of the day setting up the laptop and researching more Android development.
In the evening Ali brought home some Taiwanese Pasta which tasted different. When Nikki was reading over the menu she said that one flavour of pasta was "spicy garlic" so I ordered that one thinking that it was a spicy garlic tomatoe sauce. BUT nope it wasn't a sauce, it was just garlic (a ton of it) with some red chillies in a light oil sauce. It was okay but it can't really be compared to the real thing :)
After diner Ali and Nikki went out for their evening ritual of feeding the local stray dogs (and I joined them). As we exited the garage we could see them standing maybe 50 yards away. They were waiting :) And were very happy to see Ali and Nikki. They happily ran towards us wagging their tails and Ali put down a bowl of water and some leftovers from the day (Burger King french fries, and dog food mixed with some of the remaining pasta sauce).
Uneventful day, but I think I needed it to help my body adjust.
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