Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Black Tea Cake Roll and a familiar taste

Along with the Oscar the Grouch Pretzel, Nikki bought a Black Tea Cake Roll.  It looked like a swiss roll which had some sort of cream filling.  Anyways, it actually tasted like sweet black tea and was really tasty.

Last night Ali bought some Bubble Tea from Johan's cousins newly opened bubble tea place and also some pretty good Beef Noodle Soup.  I wasn't hungry last night (because I had the late lunch/diner) so I had the noodle soup for lunch and diner today.  I'm drinking the bubble tea right now and I found out it's a Green Tea/Plum flavour (there's actually a few plums at the bottom that at first I thought were olives).

Oh yah!  And I also cracked into the "Original Yogurt Drink."  Wow the taste is not what I would have guessed.  As I drank it, the flavour reminded me of something but I couldn't put my finger on it until I was half way done the cup.  I realized it tastes very similar to my Grandma's Lemon pie filling except a bit more creamier/yogurty!  Quite unusual for a drink flavour!  I like it :D

Other than that, nothing really happened today.  I was going to go and bike to Jhong Li but it started raining and I didn't feel like venturing into the rain and clouds so I've just stayed home all day banging my head on the desk trying to solve some programming problems.

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