Friday, July 30, 2010

National Geographic

wow!  We got quite the nature show last night when Johan and I stepped outside for some fresh air.  Just maybe 20 feet away from the garage door there was an army of ants trying to carry away a large dead grasshopper.  The grasshopper was about the size of my index finger, and the ants were quite small.  It was a frenzy of activity!

Then shortly after, this large cricket bug (the same species as the one that I took a picture of at the baseball game) started flying around the light pole that was close to us.  I think it was confused or something because it kept running into the building wall.  Eventually it hit the wall and fell to the ground right close to where the ants were.  The ants saw this big piece of steak fall from the sky and rushed to claim their prize!  There was a bit of a fight as the cricket tried to evade the ants, but it was no use, the ants swarmed and there was nothing he could do.  Over the next 15 minutes he pretty much made this really loud chirping sound and then it went silent.... rip.   or so we thought.  After about 5 minutes of silence the cricket woke up and started going crazy spinning all around the ground.  It was the crickets second wind, but it was short lived because the ants quickly pounced and it was all over.

I filmed 3 videos of this and put them onto the web album.  The second ( one is probably the most disturbing. lol.  After watching this whole scene unfold I kept having delusions that ants were crawling on me. lol.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm guessing it wasn't cute like the cartoon antz?! How..natural yet disturbinghaha
