Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day out in Taoyuan

Ali was super nice and drove me to Taoyuan city for the afternoon (15 min away from our house).  We went to the Ikea to look for something to hang my clothes on and we found this $15 clothes rack thing.  Ikea was almost identical to the ones in Vancouver.  No surprise there though :)  I needed some coat hangers to go with the rack so we went around the block to A-Mart.  It's pretty much Asian K-Mart.  We found some inexpensive coat hangers and picked up some water, rice, and chilli bamboo shoots to go with the rice.  It was lunch time so Ali suggested we eat at the food court there.  Lots of restaurants to choose from and Ali wanted Ramen from this Japanese place called Sugakiyu.  We had the Ramen with the special pig bone broth.  It also came with an egg inside and some bamboo shoots.  On the side it had a plate of gyozas and an iced tea.  Great value for $3.50.  Thanks Ali!

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