Monday, July 19, 2010

Taiwanese Baseball

Once I arrived home Ali plopped me on his scooter and we raced off to the baseball stadium.  It was only a 5 minute scooter ride away.  The stadium looked brand new and Ali told me it was less than 6 months old.  The game was between the Bears (green) and the Lions (orange).  The game was fun to watch and I had a great time (though I could have stood for it being about an hour shorter than the nearly 4 hours).  Ali likened Taiwanese baseball more to a Carnival or Circus than a Western style baseball game.  There was tons of cheering nearly non-stop throughout the whole game.  Each side had a cheering "leader" who was on a microphone calling out chants and even making sounds with his voice (like a kazoo) or humming tunes out.  It was quite hilarious to listen to and I have a video posted on my web album.  There was even a guy during half time who proposed to his girlfriend!

Oh yes and I can't forget this big bug we saw sitting on the steps next to us.  It must have been 2" long by 1" wide.  Weird looking thing.  Some guy nudged it so it would get off the stairs, and then it started buzzing and flying around like crazy.  lol.  it freaked Ali and I out until it flew off.

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