Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Camera!

I bought a new camera!  This is the one.  I did a lot of research and it looks like it's the best deal for a great camera.  Nikki took me to this large Technology Super Mall.  It was basically a large 6 story building that was chock-a-block full of small little high-tech outlets.

Nikki and I went to about 4 different ones and finally found one that had a great deal (and a great sales girl).  She ended up giving me the camera + 2 batteries + 8GB SD card + large carrying case + small carrying case (because I asked if they had a smaller one she just threw it into the deal for free.  Turns out that was a case that she had sold to someone but they forgot to take it. lucky me!) + some miscellaneous stuff like lens cleaner, mini-tripod, usb key reader, wrist strap.  The price ended up being $400, which is around what you'd pay for the camera in canada, except that I got all the free stuff.  It was a little pricier than I was hoping, but I've been wanting a better camera for a long time and I thought I'd splurge in order to provide my faithful blog followers with better photographs ;)  So it's your guys' fault! :P

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap that's a great deal!!! Looking fwd to all the photos!!...I'm about 30 blog posts behind haha hopefully I'll catch up soon!
