Friday, August 13, 2010

Diner in Jhong Li with Jeff

Jeff called us up to ask if we wanted to grab some diner together.  We had no diner plans so we took him up on his offer.  He drove us to a pub/restaurant type place very close to where we usually go in Jhong Li for diner.  I didn't catch the name of the restaurant but it had an interior that looked like a pub, but with lots of lighting, and then an outside patio.  We sat out on the patio and it was a great atmosphere.  The patio happens to be right alongside a semi-busy road, and also borders a large gorge with a shallow river at the bottom.  The temperature outside was perfect.  On the wall they had the most famous soap opera "Night Market Life" projected and broadcasting live.

This place has large beer coolers inside and you basically go and help yourself, and a beer waitress comes by to collect the empties and keeps track of how much you've drank.  We started off with 2 large bottles of the local brew.

Jeff ordered for us.  Most of the food was regular: chicken with peanuts and sautéed onions, heartless green veggies with lamb, and some other light veggie.  One of the never-before-eaten things he did order was Octopus Lips.  Haha it sounds really weird but because it was deep fried, really it could have been anything.  It was just this sorta crunchy deep fried ball with peanuts and some other veggies.  It was quite delicious and went really well with the beers :D  The last thing that was ordered was the Taiwanese "Snow" Fish, which came to the table in a deep dish with sauce and some candles underneath to keep the thing hot.

The food was tasty, the beer was good, the outside air was great, and I was in great company!  Another successful meal :D

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