Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday night Mahjong at Jeff's

I have to give props to Marcus for teaching me Mahjong because I had a blast playing tonight.

Jeff called around 10pm asking if I wanted to play Mahjong.  I've only played a half dozen times or so, but I knew enough to want to go over and play :D  I walked over to Jeff's place and met him, Girl, and Eric (and coco too).  We went up to his 4th floor where he had a room with a Mahjong table set up.  It was a bit weird walking through his house because the floor plan is identical, yet they've done some modifications and much more furnishing so the place felt like we were in an alternate reality of our own place.

coco wants to play

We were playing for money (small money) and I'd never played for money before so I had no idea how the payout works, but Jeff said he would help me out and tell me when to pay who.  I was thankful that there's no "active" betting, and the amount to pay, and to who it goes to is decided at the beginning of each game with a dice roll.

I was a bit slow to start because I had to learn my kanjii numbers all over again and also start to learn the words to all of the other misc. tiles.  I had my notebook with me so I wrote all of the translations into it so that I wouldn't forget.  I was really happy that by the end of the night I was able to say a lot of the words, and I had memorized the kanji for numbers 1-9 and also how to say everything in Mandarin.  yay!

By the end of the night I think I was out a few hundred NT, which is a bit less than $10.  Out of the 20 or so games we played, I only won 1 game but at least I had 1 game!  hahaha.  I came close many times too so I think I did okay for my first "real" Mahjong game.  Johan was not around, so communication is always dodgy but fun, and I find I learn a lot just by listening and asking "okay, how do you say this" and then writing it down.

Another memorable night :D

coco is not impressed

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