Wednesday, August 11, 2010


As I mentioned previously in my blog, Ali and Nikki go out every night or two with a bag of dog food and water to feed 4 of the local stray dogs.  They knew that one of the dogs had just had babies because of the large boobies (do you call them udders on dogs?  That doesn't sound right.. but boobies also doesn't sound right...).

We had been wondering when we were going to see the puppies and night after night we didn't see or hear anythying. UNTIL NOW!

Johan had left the house in his car and he called me from his cell phone saying "woah! puppies!  They're chasing my car!  Come outside!"  Nikki, Ali, and I dropped everything and frantically tried to open the new bag of dog food we had just purchased today.  Several minutes passed before we made it onto the street.  Johan was gone and there were no puppies in sight.

We walked down the road to the usual spot where we feed the dogs.  We suddenly heard a puppy sound and out of the field a little brown puppy crawled.  He was wagging his tail and making cute little squeaky noises.  He b-lined it to the food pile and the water bowl we had set out.  About 15 seconds later we heard some more squeaking coming from the field, and a little dark black/brown doggie shuffled out of the field!  It only took about another 10 seconds before a whole crowd of puppies started emerging from behind the bushes and out and over a little hill towards us!  Sooo many puppies.  We counted 12 puppies but we could also hear a frantic puppy cry from inside the field.  This crying went on for a few minutes so I decided to venture into the field to find the little guy and bring him out.  Now this field isn't like.. a grass field.  It's more like brambles and the grass is like 6 feet tall and there's dried trees etc in there amongst the gravel and rocks and dirt.  It took several minutes of navigating the foliage before I could see the little guy whimpering under a little log in the shadows.  It was beyond my reach so I started calling for him.

Meanwhile a handful of the puppies had seen that I had gone into the bush and followed me in.  This ended up working perfect because I had half a dozen puppies around my feet, wagging their tails and licking my feet.  This helped coax the little guy out and when he was within arms reach I snatched him up and brought him out to the rest of the family.  He was a lot smaller than the other puppies so we felt he really needed to eat some food.  Oddly enough once we brought the little runt out, a few minutes later the mommy dog picked up the runt in her mouth and carried it around the corner and plopped it into another den.

this is the other den!

By this time maybe 30 minutes had elapsed.  All our food was eaten and the dish of water was half finished.  We thought it was time to go inside.  We left the water dish close to the puppy den and headed back inside to check the internet to see about getting the puppies adopted.  I'll update as the story unfolds :P

ps - you will have to excuse the dark video but I didn't have a chance to lighten it tonight.

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