Friday, August 6, 2010

Another day of food

I didn't leave the house today.  It was super windy and I had bought groceries the previous day which I ate during the day.  When Ali came home he brought me bubble tea which was really nice :)  He also brought home diner for Nikki and himself (I already had leftover diner) which I could smell even before he walked into the room.  Stinky Tofu Soup!!   Wow this stuff was pungent!  And then when they opened up the soup bowl, I could see that in addition to the stinky tofu, there was also pieces of pigs blood.  Nikki asked if I had had this soup before and I said no.  She offered me some stinky tofu and since I haven't had any since I have been here, I tried some.  Definitely tastes better than it smells :P  Anyways here's some pics!

Passion Fruit with pearls, coconut jelly,
and passion fruit seeds for $1

Pigs blood on top.  Tofu is sunk to the bottom

And for breakfast this morning I had some taro cake hashbrows.  It tastes very similar to north american hashbrows in that it's crispy on the outside and moist in the center except it just has a slight taro sweet taste.  I dipped them in shoyu for a little extra kick.

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