Monday, August 2, 2010

Breakfast Buddy

Well it's another scorcher here on the tropical island of Formosa!  Johan and I usually go for breakfast when he gets up (10:30-11:30am) but our favorite place is always closed by then.  I woke up starving beause I didn't eat a whole lot the previous day (heart burn) so I was famished and couldn't wait for him.

I left the house and was biking along a familiar main drag when I stopped to see what I thought I saw on the side of the road.  Yeap!  It was a little plumb figurine on the top of some regulator with a cup of what looked like dried plums.  He looked happy but probably could use a friend.  Maybe I'll introduce him to Grimace next time I go for breakfast :P

for scale, you can see him in the bottom right corner
Once I arrived at the restaurant it was a pleasure to see it was actually open instead of closed like the last 3 times we came by here.  I managed to order everything with no problems on my own :)  I ordered 2 boxes of their juicy beef juice filled dumplings with ginger and some other kind of sauce.  They were about $1.75 per box, but 1 box easily fills me up for breakfast.  I'm planning to give the second box to Johan once he wakes up.

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