Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Biked to Jhong Li!

it's a scorcher!

I made it!  I had a personal goal to bike to Jhong Li and it was accomplished this morning :)  I was originally just going to bike part of the route but when I got to my initial turn-around point, I was feeling good and thought I'd just bike as far as I could until I got tired :)  It took me about 25 minutes of biking to get there and the only thing that made it difficult was the blistering heat (34 degrees that afternoon).  Here's some pictures of the ride :)  I had my t-shirt off for the first part of the ride in an attempt to start evening out my tan, but it got too burny after a while and I had to put my t-shirt back on.

I made it to Jhong Li!

Once I made it into town I took a break and emptied my water bottle and headed back after a 10 minute break and some pictures.  The ride back was faster because there was a bit more downhill riding.

ps - the ride is only about 10km round trip, but I haven't biked that far in a while so it felt like an accomplishment!

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