Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hans Christian Anderson

Johan invited me to go up to Taipei with him and his two friends to check out this Hans Christian Anderson exhibit being displayed at the C.K.S Memorial Hall.  The Memorial Hall has a giant piazza in front of it, with two other large traditional style buildings that I believe are a concert hall and... something else. maybe another exhibit hall.

Here's me and Johan's friends in the exhibit.  The exhibit wasn't really all that interesting but it was mostly an excuse to just come up to Taipei and get out of the house on the weekend.

After the exhibit Johan and I headed back to Taoyuan HSR and Ali/Nikki picked us up to go for some Cash City Hotpot!  The place was excellent.  When you sit down, they put a giant plate of veggies and other misc. stuff (fish cakes, beef balls, etc.).  Then you pick what type of meat you want and they bring a plate of that over too.  Before you start cooking you go over to the sauce station and mix your sauces together.  We always go for the satay sauce mixed with garlic, shoyu, and some spices and green onions.

This place was a bit more pricey than other places, but for $7 for everything you can't argue!  Plus there's free all-you-can-drink iced tea and coffee plus slushies and an icecream bar.  This was my first do-it-urself hotpot I've had since I came here so I was really happy :D  After diner we were stuffed, but we went to Johan's cousins new bubble tea place that he just franchised and opened up a month ago.  I couldn't read the menu (as usual) so Ali recomended me this milk tea with a sort of herbed jelly in it.  It's really good!  I'm trying to think of the taste but it's really like nothing I've tasted before.  The flavour is really light and not too overpowering.  I'd order it again easily :)  Oh yah, and Johan's cousin's name is "Small me"

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