Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Drivers License, GPS, and double win

Johan and I took the car to Jhong Li later in the afternoon.  Johan wants to get his international drivers license so we went to the DMV in Jhong Li.  While he was filling out paper work I walked around the area outside the building and took some pics.  It was really hot so half the time I was just trying to sit in the shade.

As I was walking around, I noticed a group of religious figures making their way towards me.  There were 2 costumed guys wearing some sort of warrior gear.  Then there were 2 other guys pushing/pulling a cart.  The cart had another man on it banging a taiko-like drum.  And then there was one more guy who looked like he was going door to door.  I thought maybe it was for donations but I could be wrong because I didn't see him actually get any money.

As one of the costumed man approached me I had a mini freak out because just as he was a few feet away I noticed he was holding a sword!  Definitely caught me off guard.  Not something I'm used to seeing.  Then just as he was passing me it appeared he was bowing to me.  I thought that was pretty cool, except as he passed me I realized he was just bending down to fit under the overhang because the costume has these big spears mounted on his back.  lol...

I followed these guys hoping to get a video of them playing their music and dancing, but as soon as they passed me, they basically just stopped and took a long break in the shade.  They had the right idea, it was really hot so I sat down close to them and had some photo ops with grimace

can you spot grimace?

After the DMV we went to the Double Win noodle place for lunch.  I tried their spicy version and it was really tasty.  We also passed a bubble tea place and picked up their house special tea.

Then Johan went to the Nova and purchased a GPS system for the vehicle.  He says he's not too good with directions, especially in Taiwan (an order of magnitude more difficult to navigate the streets here compared to north america.  plus it's really easy to make a wrong turn or get turned around because the roads are so tightly packed together and streets are not obvious).  The GPS unit was about $120 CAD and seemed to do the trick.  To test it out we used it to go back home.  It seemed to do the trick :D

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