Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another Bike to Jhong Li

Niki wanted to get Ali a present for Taiwanese Valentine's Day but Johan had the car so we decided to bike.  When we left the house the sky was very dark from the big storm clouds.  As we biked closer to Jhong Li, lighting started to strike from the clouds and by the time we got to the Sogo mall (25 min bike) it had started to rain.

The AC kind of works in reverse when ur soaking wet and it actually makes the malls very cold.  Luckily the store had what Niki wanted and we were outa there in 15 min :)

When we left the mall, the rain had turned into a pour and the drops coming down were huge.  We were hoping it would have stopped by this time but it looked like it was going to continue for a while.  We decided to bike back in the rain.  I had my poncho from the other day in my back pack so I used that and Niki bought one from the 7-11.

Despite the rain, the bike ride back was awesome!  It was soaking wet, but not cold, and biking alongside the traffic was exhilarating. haha.  There's lots of traffic lights along the route, and the road is fairly wide for Taiwanese standards so I didn't feel that I was really in danger.  Plus the road is slightly downhill from Jhong Li to our house the it's easy to bike almost as fast as the cars.  We even passed a few scooters :)

Here's a picture of proud Niki with her gift for Ali, and the destroyed paper bag it was in (note her different pant colours)

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