Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Taoyuan Farmers Market aka. Fruit Heaven

I hope the Taiwanese people know how to great they have it in terms of produce.  When Niki took me to the Taoyuan farmers market I was blow away.  The size, variety, and beautiful colours blow away the best markets I've ever seen in North America and Europe.  Now, I haven't seen a whole ton of farmers markets so take it with a grain of salt but just check out these pictures!  They had avocado's and mangoes almost as big as my head!  And there's just massive amounts of fruits and veggies and they are all fresh and there were very few that were actually not good quality and un-sellable.

There was actually some sort of "damaged" fruit section at the check-out and if you buy fruit you can take some home for free.  When we went to the check-out there were 3 papaya halves.  The clerk let us take all of them home for 30cents!

I could have gone crazy there but we don't eat a lot of fruit so I restrained myself and only bought a few things.  One of those things was a yellow melon.  Niki and I had never seen this before so we decided to try something new.  Eliza and I love avocado's so I picked up the biggest avocado I've ever seen and we bought that for $2.  It's probably about 3-4 avocados in 1.  We also bought a bag of apples and pears.  I really wanted to buy one of the massive mangoes but we already had plenty of fruit to last us for a while.  It would be a shame to have anything go to waste.

two different types of mangoes.  huge!

3 sizes of avocados, cigar, regular, and massive

The whole tab for everything was $9.  Which I think was pretty good considering the quality and volume of fruit :)  Thank you Niki for taking me!

Oh yah.  fun fact:  Item prices are based on their "catty".  Catty is a traditional weight that has been used for a long time and 1 catty = ~1.3 lbs.  Most of the prices you see beside the fruit are in catty weight.  30 = $1CAD if you want to see how much things are.


  1. That long "cucumber" like object next to thelong eggplants is really good! Don't always get to have here at home. I think my mum peels off the skin and then chops it into pieces and cooks it...it's tender yet not mushy after it's cooked...sort of like the texture of a semi-ripe peach without the skin? And holy moly those are huge avacados!! Make guac and have a tequila party hahaha

  2. Hi can you please tell me how to go there from taoyuan airport? Thanks you...
