Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Taiwanese Diner with Ali's Family

Had a great visit with Ali's family today!  After the Ghost month formalities everyone came inside and we chatted for a while over some food that they brought (bbq chicken, pig blood/rice on a stick with peanut powder.  yah sounds really weird but actually has the same texture and taste as a peanut powerbar).

The family was impressed that I could play Mahjong with the neighbours, and even more intrigued because I can't speak Chinese, yet we were still able to play together.  Noone there really knew how to play so I kinda felt special. haha.  I was also showing off my chinese counting skills but apparently I was counting too slow cause Johan's grandma butted in with her speed counting and stole my glory. haha.  She can speak Japanese too so we did some Japanese counting together because at least I know the Japanese numbers pretty good.

Ali's mom saw my framed picture of Eliza beside my desk and then looked at me and made a funny gesture to her chest area saying "very nice!!" indicating that Eliza had a nice body. hahaha.  Ali's mom is funny.  And when I told Eliza this on the phone later on in the evening she was well embarassed ;P

Left to right: Rebecca, Ali's Dad, Mom, Grandma, Niki, Ali, Me!

After chatting for a while we decided to go have diner at a local Taiwanese restaurant.  It was nainai's treat which was extra nice.  I don't know the names of anything we ordered so I'll just show some pictures and try to explain.

Thinly sliced pork in some garlic soy sauce topped with cilantro

Deep fried oyster and fried rice

Veggies with soy chees on left and beef with veggie on right

Stinky Tofu is the center piece :D

ps - a small dish of peanuts were served before the food came.  I grabbed a few easily with my chop sticks and popped them in my mouth.  Nainai was impressed at my chop stick skills!  She said peanuts are not the easiest thing to pick up and was surprised that I was able to pick them up with ease.  I guess they don't have very high expectation for Westerners to have good chop stick skills.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed too, though not surprised :)
    Lol @ the eliza photo comment :)
