Thursday, August 19, 2010

HTC Aria

Bought a new phone yesterday!  The HTC Aria.  Now honestly I'm not really a person who buys expensive phones because personally I don't see the value in them.  I mean $500 bucks for a freakin phone?  Yah... I don't see the value.  Buuut I bought one anyways because we're developing Android applications and we need one to test our apps on.  After some researching it looked like the HTC Aria was probably the best choice so we simply went into the store and bought one.  It was about $460.  ouch :S  but it's the first "bigger" hardware investment I've made since purchasing the computers for ubiq, so I think if I we really want to be serious about this, we need to buy the necessary hardware.  I mean if we're making cell phone apps and don't even have a cell phone to test them on that's pretty lame.  And the plus side is that the phone is actually really nice.  I thought my iPod Touch was going to be good for traveling, but the Aria will be way better because we can use it as a phone, it has Satellite GPS, and I don't have to worry about finding a computer to charge it.  Hello 21st century.

yes i'm totally getting cut out of the picture but the screen
scrolls horizontally so don't worry I'm okay.

HTC twins (mine is on the left, Ali's is on the right)

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