Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Home cooked Italian Meal

It was Valentines and we wanted to do something special for diner so we decided that I would cook pasta for everyone.  Pasta is not a common meal over here, especially to eat at home, so everyone was really excited :)

Shopping for ingredients was actually a bit of a challenge.  We went to one super market and they did not have any tomatoe sauce or cans of tomatoes.  They also didn't have ground beef (so we opted for ground pork).  We were unable to find regular white mushrooms at both grocery stores we went to so we used these really fat mushrooms instead.

When I actually proceeded with cooking, we realized that we had no spatula so I used chopsticks for the most part.  We also had no plates so Johan had to make a run to the store.

In the end the pasta actually tasted quite good and it was served with a side of garlic bread.  Johan and I paid for everything and I wanted it to be a sort of "thank you for everything so far" to Niki, Ali and Jeff because of their gracious hospitality.  I plan to make more food for them in the future.  There is talk of doing a Mexican diner night :D

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA that photo of you and the dog, coco? Hilarious!!!! I can't stop laughing and I'm on the train into work, well weird, so don't care. Good on ya for bringing out your pasta cooking skills! Ans I can't believe you guys never had plates, despite bowls being a staple! :)
